La Perle Community Playschool is a non-profit, parent-cooperative playschool program that provides a ‘learn through play’ program for three and four-year-old children. Located at Aldergrove Community League Hall, 2nd Floor, in Edmonton, AB Canada.
As a non-profit, parent operated cooperative the playschool works in a partnership between parents, teachers, and the board committee to work effectively as a team to provide the children of LaPerle and neighbouring communities with an enriched playschool experience.
Our 3 year old AM & PM classes : $33/month
Every Tuesday and Thursday
Morning class – 9:00 AM – 11:15 AM
Our 4 year old AM & PM classes: $64/month
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Morning class – 9:00 AM – 11:15 AM
Afternoon class – 12:45 PM – 3:00 PM
The cooperative portion of the playschool means that parents play a role in the learning. This gives parents a unique opportunity to experience what your child does at playschool. Parents are asked to help in the class approximately 1 or 2 times per month, as well as help a few times per year in other aspects of the school (like toy cleaning, theme changes, and fundraising). To make this possible for families, we offer flexibility by:
· Giving families choice about when they are able to volunteer. If you’re not able to volunteer in the classroom we do have an option where you can pay this out.
· · Welcoming any adult family member to volunteer (Mom, Dad, Grandmas, Grandpas, Uncles, Aunties, other caregivers are all welcome)
· Building relationships between families to support each other with volunteer duties and childcare
It’s a great way to get to know other families in your community and support your child’s learning.

Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/laperleplayschool
La Perle Community Playschool is proud to be in partnership with
La Perle Community League